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  • How Integrated IT Security Can Resist TOP 11 Manufacturing Industry Cybersecurity Risks

March 30

How Integrated IT Security Can Resist TOP 11 Manufacturing Industry Cybersecurity Risks

Cyberattacks are a real and present danger for any business, but especially for manufacturing companies. They become more susceptible to cyber risks as manufacturing becomes more digitalized and dependent on technology and data.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and robotics into factories. Cyber-physical systems can now integrate all elements of the supply chain, including operational systems and information systems, taking the place of outdated siloed systems. The result is an increase in efficiency and productivity, but also a greater risk of cyberattacks.

By 2019, 75% of large manufacturers will have implemented the Industrial IoT in their operations. By 2022, the Industrial IoT market is expected to be worth $195.47 billion.

But there is hope-by implementing integrated IT security solutions, companies can greatly reduce their risk of being attacked. In this article, we will talk about the top 11 cybersecurity risks and how IT consulting groups can help.

What Are the Top 11 Cyber Security Risks for Manufacturing Companies?

1. Phishing Attacks

One of the most common cyber threats is phishing. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack in which an attacker uses email or text messages to trick users into clicking on a malicious link or attachment. This can lead to the installation of malware, theft of credentials, or other attacks.

Manufacturing companies are especially vulnerable to phishing attacks because they often have large numbers of employees with different levels of technical expertise. Attackers can exploit this by sending emails that appear to come from a trusted source, such as a company executive or vendor.

Once an employee clicks on the malicious link or attachment, the attacker can gain access to the company network.

2. Ransomware

In recent years, ransomware has emerged as a major threat to manufacturing companies. Unlike other types of cyberattacks, which typically aim to steal data or disrupt operations, ransomware attacks seek to extort money from their victims by encrypting their files and demanding a ransom for the decryption key.

Manufacturing companies are particularly vulnerable to this type of attack due to their reliance on computer-aided design (CAD) files and other digital data.

Once encrypted, these files may be rendered completely unusable, disrupting manufacturing operations and jeopardizing the delivery of products to customers.

Manufacturing cyber security must be at the forefront of their risk management strategy. Companies must therefore take steps to protect themselves from ransomware attacks, such as by backing up their data and implementing robust security measures.

3. Malware Attacks

Malware attacks are a type of cyberattack in which an attacker attempts to install malware on a company’s systems. This can be done by sending phishing emails, exploiting vulnerabilities, or having physical access to the system.

Once the malware is installed, it can be used to steal data, plant additional malware, or disrupt operations. to encrypt a company’s data and Businesses must use security techniques such as malware scanning and activity monitoring to defend against malware assaults. They must also provide employees with training on cybersecurity awareness and best practices.

4. Internal Breaches

Another common type of attack is the internal breach, in which an attacker gains access to a company network by exploiting vulnerabilities within the organization. This can be done through social engineering or by using malware or other malicious software.

While most cyberattacks are carried out by outside actors, nearly 30% of assaults are perpetrated by personnel with access to the organization. Employees or other people who have access to the company and disgruntled former employees are two examples of people who may launch attacks on a firm due to anger or dissatisfaction.

5. Equipment sabotage 

Is another type of internal breach. This is when an attacker physically damages equipment in order to disrupt operations. While this type of attack is less common than other cyber threats, it can be extremely damaging to a manufacturing company.

In order to protect against internal breaches, companies need to implement security measures such as access control lists and activity monitoring. They also need to provide training to employees on security awareness and best practices.

6. IP Theft

Intellectual property theft is a serious problem for manufacturing companies. This is because these businesses often have valuable trade secrets and other types of sensitive information. In many cases, IP theft is carried out by employees or other insiders who have access to the company network. In other cases, attackers may gain access to the network through social engineering or other means.

Once they have accessed the network, attackers can steal data or plant malware that gives them continued access to the company’s systems. Companies must take measures to prevent IP theft, such as data loss prevention and activity monitoring. They must also provide staff training on security awareness and best practices.

7. Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks are a type of cyberattack in which an attacker targets a company’s suppliers or other business partners. This can be done by compromising the systems of these third-party companies or by sending phishing emails to employees of these organizations.

Once the attacker has gained access to the supplier’s network, they can then launch attacks on the manufacturing company. This can include stealing data, planting malware, or disrupting operations.

Companies must take precautions to prevent attacks on their supply chains, such as supplier risk management and activity monitoring. Employees must also be trained in security awareness and best practices.

8. Nation-State Attacks

Nation-state attacks are a type of cyberattack in which a nation-state or other actor targets a company for political or economic reasons. These attacks can be extremely sophisticated and may target critical infrastructure.

In many cases, nation-state attacks are carried out by hackers who are working on behalf of the government. However, these attacks can also be carried out by independent actors.

Incident response and activity monitoring are required to protect against nation-state attacks. They must also provide security training to staff on issues such as security awareness and best practices.

9. Telecommuting Risks

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to allow their employees to work from home. While this arrangement has its benefits, it also creates new risks for companies.

For example, telecommuters may use personal devices for work purposes. This can create new vulnerabilities if these devices are not properly secured. Telecommuters may also be more susceptible to phishing attacks and other types of cyberattacks.

To protect against these risks, companies need to implement security measures such as device management and activity monitoring. They also need to provide training to employees on security awareness and best practices.

10. Data Spillage

Data spillage is a type of data breach in which sensitive information is accidentally released. This can occur when an employee sends an email to the wrong person or posts confidential information on a public website. Data spillage can also occur when data storage devices are lost or stolen.

Companies must implement security measures such as data loss prevention and activity monitoring to avoid data leakage. They must also provide staff with information on security awareness and best practices.

11. Denial of Service Attacks

Denial of service attacks is a type of cyberattack in which an attacker attempts to make a company’s website or another online service unavailable. This is usually done by flooding the target with traffic or requests.

Denial of service attacks can be difficult to defend against, but companies can take measures such as rate limiting and filtering to help mitigate the risk.

Why Does Manufacturing Need Cyber Security?

As manufacturing increasingly moves towards Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things, the need for cyber security is also on the rise. With interconnected systems and machines, there is a greater risk of cyber-attacks that can lead to production stoppages, data breaches, and financial losses. In fact, the manufacturing sector is now one of the most targeted industries for cybercriminals.

While manufacturing companies have traditionally been focused on physical security, they must now also invest in cyber security to protect their operations.

There are a number of reasons why manufacturing needs cyber security.
These include the following:

  • To safeguard production: Manufacturing companies rely on computer-controlled machinery and industrial control systems to operate. If these systems are breached, it can lead to Production Stoppage. This not only disrupts the manufacturing process but can also result in costly repairs.
  • To protect data and intellectual property: Manufacturing companies often have a large amount of confidential data, such as customer information and product designs. If this data falls into the wrong hands, it could be used to competitive advantage or for other malicious purposes.
  • To avoid financial losses: A cyber-attack can have a significant financial impact on a manufacturing company. Not only will there be the direct cost of repairs and lost production, but there may also be indirect costs such as loss of customer confidence and legal liabilities.
  • To safeguard against physical damage: In some cases, a cyber-attack can lead to physical damage to machinery or other critical systems.

How Can IT Consulting Groups Help to Reduce Manufacturing Cyber Security Attacks? 

In recent years, manufacturing cyber security attacks have become an increasingly serious problem. These attacks can lead to the loss of sensitive data, the disruption of production processes, and even the physical destruction of equipment. As a result, manufacturing companies are increasingly turning to IT consulting groups for help in reducing the risk of manufacturing cyber security attacks.

IT consultants like Expert Computer Solutions (ECS) can help manufacturing companies reduce the risk of cyber-attacks in a number of ways. Firstly, they can carry out regular security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities. Secondly, they can provide training for employees on how to spot and report suspicious activity.

Finally, they can help to develop and implement security protocols that will make it more difficult for attackers to gain access to manufacturing systems.

By taking these steps, IT consulting groups can play a vital role in helping to reduce the risk of manufacturing cyber security attacks.

What Are Some of The Manufacturing Cyber Security Tools That ECS Offers? 

As manufacturing companies increasingly rely on connected devices and systems, they face an increased risk of cyberattacks. In order to protect their operations and data, manufacturing companies must invest in cyber security tools and capabilities.

However, with the constantly evolving landscape of cyber threats, it can be difficult for manufacturing companies to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. This is where ECS’s manufacturing cyber security services can help.

ECS specializes in manufacturing and can provide the latest insights into manufacturing cyber security tools and trends. In addition, they help manufacturing companies assess their cyber security risks and develop comprehensive mitigation strategies.

At ECS, they understand that manufacturing is a complex process with many moving parts. Their team of cyber security experts has developed a comprehensive approach to manufacturing cybersecurity, incorporating the latest tools and technologies. They work closely with clients to identify potential vulnerabilities and implement safeguards to protect their operations.

ECS manufacturing cybersecurity services include: 

  • Cybersecurity risk assessment: We evaluate your manufacturing processes and systems to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Cybersecurity planning and implementation: We develop and implement tailored cybersecurity plans to address your specific needs.
  • Cybersecurity training: We provide customized training for your employees on manufacturing cybersecurity best practices.

When it comes to manufacturing cybersecurity, ECS has the experience and expertise you need for these types of operations.

By working with Expert Computer Solutions, manufacturing companies can ensure that they have the right tools and strategies in place to protect their operations from the ever-growing threat.


Manufacturing companies are increasingly at risk for cyberattacks, as they rely on interconnected systems and store vast amounts of data. However, by implementing integrated IT security solutions and services, companies can greatly reduce their risk of being attacked.

Expert Computer Solutions Company specialize in IT Solutions for Manufacturing Industry and can provide the latest insights into manufacturing cyber security tools and trends. In addition, they help manufacturing companies assess their cyber security risks and develop comprehensive mitigation strategies.

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About the author

CEO of Expert Computer Solutions

Peter Robert

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